Funding Your Website
Paying for a new website can be tough – you need one, but money doesn’t grow on trees does it.
With this in mind, here’s a few links from organisations who might be able to help you get things off the ground.
Some of these funders will also help with Social Media, SEO (search engine optimisation) and marketing too!

Business Gateway
Business Gateway may not fund websites or marketing campaigns directly but may help you to access funding opportunities from other bodies.

Creative Scotland
Creative Scotland offer funding opportunities across the creative sphere. Their schemes and eligibility criteria are likely to change over time.

The Prince's Trust
The Prince's Trust offers programs and grants young entrepreneurs and small businesses, which may include funding for website development and online marketing.

The British Business Bank
The British Business Bank works with financial institutions to provide funding and support to small businesses. They offer loans and other financial assistance.

Scottish Enterprise
Scottish Enterprise offers various funding opportunities and grants to support small businesses in Scotland. They may provide financial assistance for projects related to website development and online marketing.

Talk to us about spreading the cost of a website, SEO or Social Media support over a period of time.